Did someone turn on the lights?

Wow, what a difference one hour can make. What is one hour, anyway?

It’s 60 minutes.
It’s 3600 seconds.
It’s the normal length of a meeting at work.
It’s the normal commuting time for me (to and from, including walking).
It’s the length of a flight from SFO to LAX.
It’s at the upper end of how long I’m willing to wait out a delayed flight.

The day is March 31, 2013, which also happened to be Easter Sunday.  Daylight savings time. The clock sprang forward and we all lost one hour of sleep in Europe. But beyond being a little more tired on Sunday, something else changed. The inhabitants of Stockholm… woke up, for the lack of a better word. My friend said it’s as if someone turned on the lights in this country and everyone realized that they were awake.

People are happier, spending more time outdoors, and starting to wear more colors.  They’re sporting their Ray Bans (Aviators and Wayfarers are still the two styles that I see the most), and they’re starting to put on their Converses.  Forget what the meteorologist told you about the little flowers that blossomed a few weeks ago — these are the true signs of spring in Stockholm!

I’m sitting at an airport lounge in Arlanda ready to travel around the world.  The lounge, having been recently renovated, is surprisingly airy and cozy.  Looks almost like a bar somewhere.  Many more tables for people to work on their laptops and play with their phones and tablets.  And it’s super bright outside on the airport tarmac.  Clear blue skies, a bit on the cold side, but delightfully sunny.

What a difference an hour can make.  One has to be Truly Swedish to appreciate this!

2 thoughts on “Did someone turn on the lights?

  1. J /*sparklingly

    Hi there! Not sure how I came across your site yesterday, but have had such fun puttering about your archives and soaking up all the #TrulySwedish tidbits for my (theoretical) move to Sweden soon/someday. Thanks for sharing all these great nuggets!

    1. calkenneth

      Hi J – thanks for your kind words! I hope that your move becomes reality one day and that you’ll remember some of the things I said. Let me know if you have any questions you’d like me to answer!


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